2024-2025 Pricing
Use the link above to plan out what classes you would like to enroll in for the Fall-Spring season. Compare pricing options, class discounts, and proration.
Regular Class Monthly Enrollment Rates:
30 minute class: $50
45 minute class: $70
75 minute class: $95
90 minute class: $115
Private Lessons: $144 or $36 per half hour
Enrollment rates listed are per month. Prices are for 4 weeks of instruction.
*Updated* - Prices are all-included, no one-time performance fees.
See below for additional Discount Information.
*New for 2024-2025: Class Enrollment Discount
2 enrolled classes: .15
4 enrolled classes: .35
6+ enrolled classes: .45
Receive a discount towards the tution price for the number of regular classes enrolled (Non VBE).
Multiply The total price by the modifier listed above to get the discounted price.
Example: Two 30 minute classes at $50 each -
$100 Tuition base price
$15 Class Discount for two classes enrolled (100 x .15)
$85 per month with discount included
*Updated for 2024-2025: Proration
Proration allows for flexibility, allowing students to enroll at any time during the month without penalty. It also allows for pricing to accurately reflect time in the studio. However, proration causes monthly rates to vary depending on a number of factors. Please see below for notes and examples.
Class Tuition and discounts are prorated based off of the number of sessions classes meet in a given calendar month.
Less sessions per month = lower price for the month.
Holidays, planned school closings, or late enrollment are also prorated.
*NEW* Calendar months with 5 classes are now factored into the cost.
Example: 5 Weeks in calendar month for Two 30 minute classes at $50 each-
$125 tuition base price - ($100/4 sessions = $25 per week x 5)
$18.75 Class Discount - ($100 x .15)/4 sessions = $3.75 discount per week x 5)
$106.25 Final Price for the month
Student Drop-in Rates Per Class:
30 minute class: $18
45 minute class: $20
75 minute class: $25
90 minute class: $30
Private Lessons: $36 per half hour
Drop-in payments are due prior to attending a non-enrolled class (Not as a trial or makeup)
If you plan on attending multiple classes, class enrollment recommended.
Recommended Enrollment hours for Dancers
Beginning Dancer Recommended hours: 0-5 Total Hours Enrolled
Intermediate Dancer Recommended hours: 5 Total Hours Enrolled
Advanced Dancer Recommended hours: 8 Total Hours Enrolled
Pre-Professional Dancer Recommended hours: 12 Hours Enrolled
1 Student: $85
2 Students: $127.50 ($42.50 discount)
VBE is our performing ensemble that performs for communities as well as larger productions like our Nutcracker and Spring Ballet.
Price Includes VBE rehearsals, VBE Ballet Technique, VBE Stretch and Strengthen, VBE Partnering (Depending on dancer's age/level)
Enrollment rates listed are per month.
VBE is a flat fee that is consistent from month to month.
Adult Classes:
Moonlit Ballroom Classes
Drop in Single: $15
Drop in Couples: $25
Monthly Enrollment Rates:
Singles: $40
Couples Discount: $60
Regular Dance Class Monthly Enrollment Rates:
Drop in: $20 (Pay on-site)
Monthly Enrollment: $50
Enrollment rates listed are per month. Prices are for 4 weeks of instruction.
Classes are prorated based on number of sessions during calendar month.